
Brownell Creek Quarry.

Garry called me up and asked if I would take him and John Hubbard up to a quarry we had found two years ago.  Naturally I agreed, so we met at our usual park and ride and drove to the bridge out of Toutle.  We promptly got our gear ready and climbed on our trusty steeds for the 2+ mile trip to the quarry.

John and Garry prepare for the bike trip.

John and Garry prepare for the bike trip.

It took us only 45 minutes to ride and push our bikes to the quarry and then we started to dig.

It didnt take John long to find a good spot.

It didn't take John long to find a good spot.

Garry and I spent a lot of time digging in various places throughout the quarry, while John stayed in the first spot he found.  John ended up finding the best material, with some nice sized quartz crystal clusters, and some amethyst.

I found a number of nice clusters, of which these are the best.

Crystal clusters after washing in water.

Crystal clusters after washing in water.

We had a good time, and I saw my first caterpillar of the season.  It looked like he was trying to find a place to hide from the heat of the sun.

Looking for a place to take a nap.

Looking for a place to take a nap.

We had decided to leave at 2:00pm so Garry and John could get home in time to attend their rock club meeting.  Fortunately it was all down hill to the truck so it only took us 20 minutes before we were on the road.

We had a great time and the weather was perfect.

Thanks for joining us.
