Lolo Pass in September!

My wife, Joyce and I recently went on a long two week trip to North Dakota. ?This trip was not intended for collecting rocks, but I did manage to squeeze in a few short stops. ?The first one to Lolo Pass, Montana.

This stop was possible because we needed a place to stay our first night and the hot springs at Lolo Pass called to us. ?While Joyce was able to sleep in I got up before dawn and headed to a great Smokey Quartz location.

Night time is not good rock hunting time.

Night time is not good rock hunting time.

I spent a few hours waiting for daylight before heading out with my tools. ?The fall colors were crying out to have their picture taken, so I obliged them.

Colors that wake you up!

Colors that wake you up!

I hiked up an old logging road to a spot that I had visited before and spent two hours digging. ?At this point I decided to explore and hiked around the hills looking for evidence of crystals.

It wasn’t long before my time was up and I had to head back and pick up Joyce for our next leg of the journey. ?I did not find much this trip, as shown here, but had a great time in the mountains of Montana.

Two small and one medium crystal.

Two small and one medium crystal.

Thanks for joining me.


One thought on “Lolo Pass in September!

  1. Jerry

    Richard. I am pleased to see that you got these trips posted. Always great to see where you have been and what you have found.

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