Blue Jay Agate day 2.

Day 2 arrived with the sun at about 6:00am. ?We crawled out of bed and made a quick breakfast, before heading up to the dig site. ?I arrived a little before Garry and Ryan, and got this picture of them on the road.


Coming to the site.

This morning was a lot cooler, since the sun does not reach the road cut until after noon. ?Garry and Ryan decided to dig in the spot we found yesterday, while I continued to explore.

Garry and Ryan

Digging a landing in the hill side makes it easier to work.

I finally located a spot that contained some small blue agate nodules, as well as some with red inclusions and possible sagenite.

Blue Jay agate

Blue Jay agate nodules.


Possible sagenite.

I spent the rest of the morning digging at this site and was rewarded not only with blue agate, but also some nice crystal nodules. ?One looked like calcite, while the other was probably quartz.


Probably calcite covered with druzy.


Unbroken quartz geode.

By the time the sun had almost reached my dig spot I decided to quit and see what Garry and Ryan were finding. ?I climbed down to the truck and dropped off my finds, before heading up the road. ?Garry and Ryan had gotten into a nice spot with some pockets of blue agate. ?They continued to work for a little while longer, before finally calling it quits.

We were on the road to home by 2:00pm.

Thanks for joining us.



2 thoughts on “Blue Jay Agate day 2.

  1. Garry

    Ryan and I had a great time. I didn’t get much material, but I just consider it similar to looking for Ellensburg blue. Based on that consideration, we all did very well, and the weather was perfect for this outing. Now if I could just do something about the mosquitoes…………….

    1. chasfire Post author

      Garry: I think that mosquitoes are something we have to live with. We did have a great time, and found some nice material.


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